YOU can help stop disinformation and help bring our country together!
Sign up to get regular “Fakchex” information packets – shareable articles and social media posts on topics that are frequently the subject of disinformation or simple misunderstandings. They prepare you to talk about these subjects in a non-confrontational way, and you can share them with others to help them separate fact from fake.
Help stop disinformation! Take the Truth in Discourse pledge.
Enroll your beloved canine in "Dogs for Democracy"
Your furry friend can proudly wear his or her kerchief to promote appreciation of our democracy, and awareness of our (human) need to support it! Follow Blaze the Dog on Instagram and join him on his journey to democracy.
Are you ready to take action to be the change you want to see in the world?
"Magenta Nation" is an inspirational, practical and mindful approach that will change your life and help bring out the kind of nation and world that we all want.
The idea for Magenta Nation arose out of the realization that we must come together on common values, common language, and common truths in order to move forward to a productive future and a just society: in America, and in the world.
Through the Magenta Nation handbook, you can find the path to your own values and goals, and learn how simple acts of service, conversation, and above all a clear intention for what we want can bring about positive change.
Inspired by the experience of seeing huge divides in opinions among family members who were all good, kind, caring people with similar backgrounds, “Magenta Nation” was written to explore how to overcome this chasm and reunite around common values.
To further help you on this journey, we also offer the Magenta Nation podcast – straight talk and facts about the controversial, critical issues of our time, the Magenta Nation blog, “Conversations with...” notable spiritual and social justice leaders, and more books on spiritual themes, activism, and forgiveness. Also, be sure to check out our merchandise encouraging everyone to vote!