Magenta Nation – Renewing America
Truth in Discourse
What is the Truth in Discourse pledge?
You can help stop the spread of disinformation. Here’s how.
First, read the Fakchex articles on “Is It Truth or Propaganda?” to get guidelines on how to tell truth from disinformation.
Then, commit that you will share only information that is backed by facts and evidence. This means that in your speech, social media posts, and writing, before you share an opinion or news item, check to see that it is based on fact and reality.
Also, when you see disinformation printed or posted, and if you think it is appropriate, step up and ask to see the evidence behind these statements. If you have facts that contradict it, share them in a non-accusatory, friendly, non-combative manner.
If you would like to receive more information about truth in discourse, or become active in sharing fact-based information, you can sign up here.