Ten Things I’m Doing to Save the World – What About You?
Stephan Schwartz, author of “The 8 Laws of Change: How to Be an Agent of Personal and Social Transformation”, is one of my favorite authors and lecturers. This book is a great guide to creating a “Magenta Nation”. In an interview he did for the Edgar Cayce organization, he recommended that we take this action to help change the world: Write down the ten things I am doing to help heal the planet and our society, and share it with ten friends, asking them to do the same and share with ten of their friends. Think about the exponential power of change these actions would produce!
So, here’s my ten items. Think about your as you read, and be prepared to write and share! Thank you for your commitment to moving us all forward, in the world, our nation, and our families and communities.
- Writing. I’m not a teacher or preacher or counselor; but I can write, so that is my contribution to inspire individuals and help my country and our world. My first three books were just published:
- Magenta Nation, a handbook for healing America
- Love or Loyalty, a novel about forgiveness set in Civil War times and beyond
- Love Eternal… One More Time, the story of family learning what love really means
- Growing food. With my family, we are full swing into growing our own food. From our efforts, we are getting close to producing the 5-a-day recommended allotment of fruits and vegetables, for two people. In some countries, most produce is grown in home gardens. The food is healthy, pesticides aren’t needed, soil is enriched, and we get exercise!
- Eating what we grow. This required a change in diet, as a lot of what we grow are greens. Did you know if cabbages don’t make heads (which ours don’t), you can eat the leaves? We cook up a batch of greens once a week, and a big stir-fry every other week. In summer, it’s salad season. See my blog to get more ideas about gardening. Did you know that a 3-by-1 container can grow enough greens to produce at least a serving a day? Love those greens – you harvest them and they grow right back!
- Planting trees. Instead of flowers, when someone dies we plant a tree in their name. We’ll start doing this for birthdays and other celebrations as well. Did you know that planting enough trees can replenish the atmosphere and repair the damage done by pollution? It CAN be done. We need to start thinking about different food sources – trees and bushes, woody plants that produce oxygen and food for a generation or more. Planting more fruit and nut-producing trees creates new food sources (to offset the mechanized farms across the middle of the country and the corn produced there), as well as replenishes the air and soil quality.
- Saving water. We live in Los Angeles – a desert on a beach – and water is very precious. And expensive. We installed rain barrels at our house to catch the water during the rainy season (if we are lucky, a few weeks in winter), and use the water for gardening. We put buckets under our raised bed to catch run-off irrigation. As much as possible, we use drought resistant plants, with mulch to keep moisture in the soil. We turn off the faucet in between brushing our teach and rinsing, while washing our hands, and in general do everything we can to conserve water. The bucket-in-the-shower is next. And we’re reducing our use of plastic bottles with a Brita pitcher and a refillable water dispenser in our home offices.
- Installing solar. No more electric bills, and we’re conserving energy for everyone.
- Compost. American households are mini-waste factories. We put leftover fruits and vegetables, garden trimmings, and weeds into a composter. Who knew that making dirt would be so gratifying?
- Support children. We sponsor children in different areas of the world. This has been a project of my husband and mine since we got married, many years ago. Helping children be educated and nurtured in areas of the world that are far less fortunate than our own, is one way to help improve life and society. . Everyone needs encouragement and our letters back and forth throughout the years try to give that support and message that someone cares. The two organizations we work through are ChildFund and Unbound.
- Volunteer. It’s a little harder while sheltering in place, but we are writing letters for progressive political campaigns (Swing Left), helping organizations that facilitate getting IDs so people can vote (VoteRiders), promoting education to children in disadvantaged areas (Guardian Angel Catholic School), assisting the Edgar Cayce organization – my spiritual home since childhood – with events in Southern California. This is a time to be active – not a spectator – and take action to re-build our country and our world.
- Renew self with a spiritual and physical boot camp. In January, 2020, I committed to a year of prayer and fasting, “fasting” being withdrawal from things that distract me from my spiritual path. Yes, food is part of that. The benefits are weight loss – which makes me more energetic and healthier, the better to resist those old viruses. So is daily meditation and prayer. Meditation not only makes me more spiritual, it lifts the world and its vibration. Doing this every day is a challenge, despite how good it feels. So, I’m taking advantage of a slower pace during the pandemic to get up a little earlier to have a meditation and prayer period each morning. Finally, I’m getting myself in physical shape, with exercise. Old age is not for sissies, as they say. And we will all need our strength to be warriors for change through the next generation.
- Bonus action – Adopted a rescue dog. He’s a delight! We love him dearly, feel great about saving his life and giving him a home, and our immune systems are strengthened with all the affection we exchange.
So what’s your list of the top ten things you’re doing to save the world and help our society? Come on, we know you’re doing them! Maybe this list has given you some ideas. Make your own list and please share it with ten friends!
Interested in healing America? Order "Magenta Nation" today and get started.
Think people can’t change their beliefs? Read “Love or Loyalty” to see the power of forgiveness in healing relationships and our nation.
Wondering about how families can heal, even after death? Read “Love Eternal... One More Time” to be amused and enlightened.